Renaming a cat is completely possible, and I believe it’s a great idea if you feel their current name just isn’t working for you. Whether you’ve recently adopted a cat that already has a name or you’ve had your pet for years but feel like it’s time for a change, the good news is, cats can learn new names!
It doesn’t matter if your cat is young or old, or if they’ve been answering to the same name for a long time. Even if your cat has been called by the same name for many years, it’s still possible to introduce a new one, and most cats adjust to the change just fine. With a little patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, your cat can learn their new name and respond to it just as easily as they did with the old one.
So if you’re considering renaming your cat, go for it! It’s a fun way to connect with your pet and give them a name that better suits their personality or your own preferences. Just be sure to use their new name often, pair it with treats or affection, and give it time for your cat to catch on.
Over the years, I’ve looked after many cats with a range of unique personalities, and through this experience, I’ve learned something interesting about them and their names. No matter their personality or age, every cat I’ve cared for has been able to adjust to a new name. I’ve never encountered a cat that struggled with it. In fact, even when I couldn’t help but give them new nicknames or full-on new names, they seemed to pick up on them naturally.
From my experience, cats adapt to new names fairly quickly, as long as you introduce the name in the right way. I believe that, with some patience and consistency, most cats can learn a completely new name—even one that sounds nothing like their original name. It’s really all about how you approach it, and I’ll go into more detail on that. I think most people would be surprised at how adaptable cats can be to name changes, no matter their age or background.
Why Cats Can Easily Learn a New Name at Any Age

- 1. All of the cats I’ve taken in have learned my new names for them without problem, and quite quickly
All of my cats have come from my garden. Well, not always the same garden! One found me when I was living in Toronto, and that cat is still with me now in Portugal. All the other cats I’ve adopted or fostered were strays that showed up at my home in Portugal.
Some of these cats were young and likely hadn’t had a home before. But at least two were adults and probably had past owners who gave them names I’ll never know.
These cats were most likely abandoned by their owners and hadn’t been cared for properly at all. I felt responsible for taking them in so I could help with their serious health issues.
Within just a month or two, each of them already knew the names I’d given them.